Oprawa: Twarda
Redaktor: Bent Branderup
Liczba Stron: 208
ISBN: 978-3-275-02160-4
Data wydania: 08/2020
Wymiary: 23 cm x 31 cm
1.Celina Skogan (Norwegia) Editorial
2. Celina Skogan (Norwegia) Starter Package for Work with the Circle
3. Marius Schneider (Niemcy) Now It's All about the Circle
4. Interview with Bent Branderup (Dania) Journey to the Art of Riding
5. Kathrin Branderup-Tonnous (Dania) The Academic Toolbox - The circle line
6. Geraldine Schnapperelle (Niemcy) The Circle in Ground Work
7. Anna Eichinger (Austria) Risks and Side Effects of The Circle when Longeing
8. Jenny Vogel (RPA) The Circle: A Journey into the Equine Locomotive and Biomechanics
9. Bettina Biolik (Polska) Straightening the Horse on the Circle
10. Claudia Strauß (Niemcy) The Circle and the Straight Line
11. Hanna Engström (Szwecja) The Magic of the Circle in Your Body
12. Ylvie Fros (Holandia) Use of Body & Seat on the Circle Line
13. Maria Norberg & Camila Frisell (Szwecja) Two Trainers - Seven Horses
14. Celina Skogan (Norwegia) Final Good Thoughts: Mindfulness