Cover: Hardcover
Editor: Bent Branderup
Number of Pages: 224
ISBN: 978-3-275-02130-7
Date of publication: 01/2019
Dimensions: 23 cm x 31 cm
1. Anna Eichinger (Austria) Editorial
2. Celina Harich (Germany) Why longeing Is Not So Easy - A Starter Package for Longeing
3. Kathrin Branderup-Tonnous (Denmark) The Academic Toolbox - The Longe
4. Marius Schneider (Germany) Correct Positioning via Crossover Work
5. Claudia Strauß (Germany) Embark on a Journey of Discoveries - at Eye Level
6. Geraldine Schnapperelle (Germany) Communication and Body Language Training for the Trainer
7. Imke Eisenschmidt (Germany) The Longe as a Bridge for Delivery Your Own Message
8. Yvonne Heynckes (Germany) It lies in our Hands Working with the Longe
9. Janna Behrens (Germany) Two Dancers and a Longe
10. Kathrin Branderup-Tonnous (Denmark) In Search of the Art of Riding
11. Maja Casparsen (Denmark) Improve Your Body Language to Dance with Horses
12. Christofer Dahlgren (Sweden) The Secret of Success on the Longe
13. Hanna Engström & Elisabeth Krogh (Sweden) Develop as a longeing trainer - use a human horse!
14. Anna Eichinger (Austria) The Circle, Balance and Positioning Problems
15. Camilla Frisell & Maria Norberg (Sweden) Two Trainers - Seven Horses
16. Anna Eichinger (Austria) Final Good Thoughts Why I Will Accept "No" for an Answer